A Few Must Haves For Online Proctoring Solutions

More and more educational institutions have now adopted distance/remote education as it becomes a platform that allows learning to continue without any interruptions. At the same time institutions can also reach out to the global audience who might be interested in the courses offered but are bound by the geographical barrier. As the education takes place online it is natural for the examination to be conducted online. And thus, the need for reliable online proctoring software arises.

In a virtual exam environment, the invigilator has a hold of things and is in charge of the examination environment. But with remote exams no matter how many human invigilators are kept in place, they cannot control what a test taker does remotely. Online exam proctoring softwares are kept in place to ensure that the integrity of such remote exams stays intact. But the proctoring needs for conducting remote examinations might be different for every institute, depending on the nature, process, and method of examination. Online Proctoring Softwares have the ability to be modified to meet these needs but up to a certain extent. However, there are a few features that any online proctoring software must have, here are a few:

Comprehensive Proctoring System – A primary function of any live proctoring software is to ensure the credibility and authenticity of exams that are conducted remotely. uLearn’s AI-powered proctoring is equipped with both audio and video monitoring of candidates in real-time which prevents any form of misconduct during the time of the assessment.

Equipped with a variety of Proctoring Modes – As each institute might have different ways of conducting their exams the proctoring solution they choose must be equipped with various proctoring modes that cater to all those needs. Automated AI-based proctoring, Live Online Proctoring, and Recorded Proctoring are a few modes that examiners can select from in uLearn.

Adhere to the Security and Privacy Concerns – Proctoring solution providers should respect the personal data of every user that uses the software and deliver a non-intrusive examination experience. The advanced end-to-end data encryption in uLearn’s live proctoring software ensures zero system meddling which keeps the data secure for all its users.

Detect, Record & Report – Examiners need to grade test takers after each assessment and nothing makes this easier than a detailed proctoring report. uLearn’s modern AI technology detects even the smallest act of misconduct, records the entire duration of the assessment for every student, and creates a detailed report highlighting all the activities that went on during the examination.

Easy LMS Integration – A live proctoring solution needs to be capable of integrating into the user’s existing Learning Management System (LMS) in order to make the user experience seamless and automated. Canvas, Moodle, D2L, and Blackboard are some of the LMS used by the most popular institutes.

With the growing number of solution providers, educational institutions must make sure the proctoring software they choose entails all the primary features that are listed above. It is important for people to understand all the essential must-have features of online proctoring software in order to make an informed decision.

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