Online Proctoring is not just a trend, it is indispensable!

Best online proctoring software

With the improvement in the covid conditions, colleges and universities are back to adjusting their academic goals. Educational institutions have mostly adopted online proctoring solutions during the covid surge and the burning question is whether or not they will switch back to their earlier methods of evaluation. Since online proctoring services have been a blessing for these institutions in terms of facilitating teaching and learning as well as helping in the evaluation process, there is no going back for these institutions. Let us see how the Online Proctoring solutions made this happen in a couple of years’ time.

Ease and Accessibility

Education is a crucial part of any institution and uncertainties like the pandemic can make it a challenge for any college or university to carry on its academic functions. Online learning made online courses and degrees accessible to all. Since online proctoring services have made the solution compatible with all laptops, PCs, and chrome books hence every student could take it from the comfort of their homes. Also, teachers and administrators were able to easily set up test questions within the student LMS itself and conduct a no-contact, hassle-free examination.

Increased Test Integrity

For institutions, it is extremely crucial to maintain test integrity in order to uphold the credibility of their exams. From home, it was difficult to monitor every student but the best online proctoring software such as was able to provide completely cheat-proof solutions using features such as live monitoring, blocking keyboard shortcuts, ID verification, etc. It made invigilation much easier as compared to the traditional method.

Fair Evaluation

Since technology does not hold any biases and online proctoring solutions run on AI technology and AI does not discriminate against any candidate or hold a bias against anyone, the evaluation process is fair and just. After the exam is finished, these proctoring tools generate proctoring reports that can be referred back anytime giving a justified explanation if any candidate is caught cheating during the examination.


So, with the advancement of technology in every field, even the education industry has experienced the benefits of online tools that facilitate academicians to continue their teaching and at the same time evaluate students from anywhere, anytime. Due to all these advantages, the best online proctoring softwares are upgrading their technology day by day and it is clear that online evaluation was just not a trend that covid brought along with but it is definitely here to stay and is probably the solution of the future.

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