The Trend in Online Learning and the Need for Online Proctored Tests

As the Covid pandemic surged, a majority of institutes were forced to move to online education and adopt the online model of education. But as things cooled down many educational institutions began to realize the scope and benefits that came with remote learning. Online education has become the driver of growth in higher education.

Digital learning and online courses have experienced an exponential rise and with it grew the demand for automated online test proctoring softwares. The EdTech industry saw a major boom because its products played a direct role in facilitating such courses. A study showed that the number of students enrolled in distance education grew by 40%, not just during Covid but also after the ease of restriction. Here are some of the major factors for universities and students for opting an online course –

Education Institutions                        Students

Cost – Effective                                        Choose from the best courses in the world

Reduced Paperwork                              No Need to Relocate

Access to Global Markets                     Flexibility in Learning

Technological Automation                  More Time to Learn New things


Every course structure regardless of its nature comprises various exams and tests to assess the outcome of the course. But when it comes to online examinations, ensuring the integrity and the authenticity can be tricky due to the remote location of the candidates. And with no direct supervision, test takers have multiple ways of cheating in the exam. For which there is a need for an online test proctor whose only purpose is to maintain test integrity and ensure cheat-free tests.

Online proctored testing software like is kept in place to monitor multiple candidates that appear in the test and oversee any suspicious activity performed by them. In case a student tries to cheat, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) embedded in the software accurately detects any such activity and reports them to the faculty. The whole examination process is automated and digital supervision is in place with an online test proctoring software.

So how does automated online test proctoring work? When an online exam is scheduled with the help of a proctoring tool, real-time audio and video feeds are monitored by the AI, which is on a constant lookout for any suspicious behavior. The AI-powered algorithm is programmed to detect several cheating parameters such as online browser activity, use of any physical notes or mobile, human voice detection, and much more. This eliminates any form of misconduct that the test taker can think of.

One thing that’s certain is that online learning is going to be central to the increasingly digitized future. While adopting an online or hybrid model of education, institutions might strive to manage the program and evaluate every student fairly for which there is a need for remote online proctoring software like uLearn that can automate the examination process and ensure cheat-proof exams.

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