Why will Online Proctoring see a tremendous growth in 2022?

online proctored assessment

As the spring semester progresses more and more institutions are becoming cautious due to the ongoing pandemic. Universities are delaying their in-person classes and sticking to their online proctored assessments. But, on the other hand, some universities are loosening some of the strict rules and implementing a hybrid learning space.

 Be it a complete online learning approach or hybrid, online proctoring services are equipped to cater to both these approaches. As seen in the past few years teaching and learning have transformed manifold and adopted new ways to cope with any uncertainty. Hence, many online tools including online proctoring services have seen a boost in their demand and will continue to experience the same. Let us see the cause of such a huge surge in demand in the past, present, and the coming future.

 Accessibility of online assessment proctoring

 Gone are those days when the student had to physically be present at a test center to take their exams. With the extensive integration capabilities on proctoring tools, one can easily integrate their existing LMS with tools like uLearn.io and take their exams from any time, anywhere. Also, these solutions are available on all laptops, PCs, chrome books, etc.

Ensuring test integrity

It might sound difficult to proctor students from home or from any other location. But, while conducting an online proctored assessment, one can leverage its robust AI technology that enables live audio-video monitoring, screen recording, and many other features through which one can monitor students and ensure the test integrity and the credibility of their exams remain intact.

A cost-effective approach

The traditional in-person invigilation is not easy to manage. In addition, one single person had to bear the burden of managing a big batch of students. Also, universities had to bear huge costs to conduct high stake exams from renting a space to huge electricity bills and much more. While conducting online proctored assessments one only has to pay for the number of exams within a customized package and the test will be taken by students on their respective systems and spaces.

Convenience and Data Security

When technology is built keeping in mind to make important processes more convenient and streamlined then there is no going back for the users. Providing all the above features and much more, online assessment proctoring is so convenient and easy to use. One concern that engulfs all users is data security. Online proctoring solutions such as uLearn.io follow all security measures and ensure that every student’s data is protected and creates a stress-free environment.

Is your institution still stuck with old methods of conducting exams while smart institutions are adopting tools like uLearn.io? Fight the pandemic or any other uncertainty that might affect your academic goals by getting a quick demo today!


To know about uLearn.io visit: https://ulearn.io/


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