Up Your Campus Recruiting Assessments With Online Proctoring Softwares

The ways in which companies work and hire talent have undergone a tectonic shift over the last 2 years. Virtual interviews and take-home assignments have overtaken their in-person counterparts. However, this has its pros and cons – geographical boundaries are no more but catching candidate malpractice is increasingly difficult. This is why recruiters still prefer meetings over online interviews; the same goes for campus recruitment assessments.  

To make things foolproof, online proctoring for higher education has become a mandate in universities. This makes conducting assessments and therefore, hiring a candidate with the right skill set much more accurate for recruiters. However, when a university conducts online proctored assessments, it can eliminate many more challenges due to cutting-edge features. We have made a list of ways that online proctoring softwares help in better functioning of campus recruitment assessments: 

  1. Cheat-proof Assignments
    Exam proctoring software in higher education uses the latest tools and technology to minimize cheating during assignments. Features such as sending alerts when the candidate switches browser tabs, disabling copy + paste, moving away from the webcam, and unregistered human voice detection are a part of online proctoring for higher education. 
  2. Automated Warnings with Artificial Intelligence
    In the unlikely situation when a student tries to cheat, the exam proctoring software in higher education sends an alert to the student and invigilator with the help of artificial intelligence. In addition, the software is also designed to differentiate between actual anxiety and malpractices for added security; environmental noise is ignored too.
  3. Recording for Audits
    In the unlikely scenario that both AI and the human invigilator or interviewer miss a candidate’s malpractice, when a university is online proctored, each session is recorded. This enables the person in charge to check and recheck the entire session if they are in doubt. This is also cost-effective when the number of human interviewers or invigilators is less as one person can view many interviews.
  4. 100% Candidate Privacy
    While the entire interview and assessment is recorded, online proctoring softwares never records a candidate’s screen. In addition, all personal information required is asked for by the recruiting company. Such softwares do not collect and distribute such data elsewhere, thereby ensuring complete candidate privacy. 

As a campus recruiter, you now know why online proctoring softwares are important and how they can benefit you. However, there are a plethora of options for you to choose from. So, which one should you opt for? 

uLearn – Online Proctoring for Campus Recruiters 

If you are looking at transforming the way you conduct campus recruiting, you have come to the right place. uLearn is a secure, non-invasive, vigilant, but non-intrusive approach to online proctoring. It ensures secure and cheat-proof tests, candidate privacy, no meddling, data security, offers AI-based automated warnings, and is cost-effective. To ace your campus recruiting, send us an email on marketing@ulearn.io or call us on 1800 209 8366 to understand from our expert about how we can help.   

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