How uLearn is preventing students from cheating on online exams?


These days, a common question is “How to keep students from cheating on an online exam?”. Institutions all over the world are facing this common problem which is prevalent across universities. Be it online or offline exams, students tend to find creative and inventive ways to cheat in any type of setup. Some of the common methods range from the old school style of writing answers on the palm, pasting chits on the sides of computer screens, and the more tech-savvy methods like storing formulas inside smartwatches help of the internet, etc. Online exam cheating is not just a common concern amongst lecturers/professors but it hampers the overall growth of a student.

Let’s see how uLearn’s robust Online Proctoring helps in solving this problem once and for all.

Automated Live Proctoring, an automated AI-based Proctoring Solution that enables live monitoring and behavioral analysis of the test taker.

This helps in detecting any suspicious activity like eye movements, background voices and raises warnings to both students and proctors. Being a privacy-friendly auto proctoring solution uLearn picks up only those data points which are necessary to keep the integrity of the exam intact. It does not believe in invading the privacy of the test taker.

Detailed Proctoring Reports

After the exam ends, proctors can access and revisit detailed student reports anytime. This helps them in comparing the individual performance of each student. The reports are very detailed and time-stamped, giving a fair insight into any cheating activity by students during the examination.

 Smart and Secure Browser

uLearn is a web-based solution that saves the hassle of downloading any bulky software hence protecting your system from virus attacks. The Secure browser for students is cheat-proof as it flags a warning whenever the student opens any new window or switches between tabs. This prevents students’ cheating on a test or getting unauthorized help from the internet.

Another feature of the secure browser is that the copy-paste buttons and any other keyboard shortcuts are also disabled to make this a cheat-proof tool for any online exam.

Authenticate Identity of test-takers

Before starting the exam on uLearn’s platform the candidate has to verify his/her identity through the inbuilt biometric authentication. The biometric system clicks the candidate’s photo, scans the ID, and then cross-checks it with the information already stored in its file.

During the course of the exam, it also ensures that there is no impersonation.

The rising competition among our peers and the fear of failing an exam do tempt each one of us to cheat in online exams at some point. Also, nowadays answers are available at our fingertips which has increased cheating on tests but it does have its long-term consequences.

Therefore, Remote Proctoring Tools like make sure that the academic integrity of the institution is intact.

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