How to make teaching and learning more student friendly with hybrid learning?

hybrid learning

The pandemic has made us all realize that teaching and learning is not merely only a classroom affair. A lot many teaching models were introduced to cope up with the situation. It can be concluded that Online learning has been a massive success. With the help of various tools including Online Proctoring Software, it was able to create a holistic learning environment for students at home. Hybrid learning model is one such learning model that is now gaining popularity as it is able to cater to both the online learning crowd as well as the students opting for classroom learning. Let us have a look at how we can make teaching and learning more student friendly under this model and also use live proctoring software to avoid biases in evaluation.

Foster peer to peer relationship

It is important to create a strong and undivided culture between students irrespective of their geographical location. Physical classroom and online classroom students should be one team instead of tagging each other into different groups. This can be made possible by conducting various group activities that will encourage students to be put in a collaborative effort.

Use technology (e.g., Live Proctoring Software)

Evaluation plays a big part in every learning model. To maintain a balance in a hybrid learning model and ensure a non-biased approach to evaluation use AI-based proctoring software for online exams. This allows all the students to take exams on a single platform through their existing LMS, making the process organised and hassle-free. 

Maintain consistent flow of resources

Students should be provided with a continuous flow of resources virtually like schedules, assignments etc. They should be able to access any study material at any point of time and also be aware of any changes in terms of curriculum. There should also be support available at all times in order to help students fulfill the course requirements. 

Create a designated workspace for students

Students studying from home should be given a separate space to create their own studying area. A desk especially dedicated to their stationary, books and art & craft items. Also, they should be able to attend their online classes and take cheat-proof exams using live proctoring software without any disturbance.


Keeping all these best practices in mind related to hybrid learning lets make sure to always be there for our students as they’ll be needing our guidance and support more than anything during these difficult times. Also, instructors can take the help of technological tools to help the students like AI based software, online proctoring software that help in easy integration and allow students to take exams from anywhere, anytime. uLearn is one such proctoring software for online exams that is helping institutions all over the world to implement multimodal models of learning including hybrid learning and is dedicated to continuous improvement in order to facilitate fair evaluation.

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