Here’s how AI is transforming online learning

Here’s how AI is transforming online learning

Online learning and MOOCs have gained immense popularity in recent years. The COVID-19 pandemic has further led to increased adoption of online learning platforms. Even Gen Z and millennials, who are brought up in a digital age, prefer online learning over conventional methods. Thus, we can say that technology is playing a major role in this seismic shift towards e-learning. One such technology that is driving this push is AI, most recently in the form of AI proctored online exams.

The role of artificial intelligence in online learning

To understand the importance of AI in online learning, we’ll have to look at two key aspects of education, teaching, and assessing students.

Virtual classrooms

Facial recognition, speech pattern recognition, and behavior analysis help to analyze and determine the engagement levels of students during online lectures. The AI algorithms continuously monitor the students’ behavior to provide key insights about where exactly the students were most disengaged. For example, if students have a frown on their face or have drooping shoulders, it can indicate that the students are not interested in the lecture. By having such detailed information, you can create new strategies that can help improve student engagement. You can create engaging Learning Management Systems (LMS) that can help teach students using various learning forms using textual, graphical, infographics, auditory, and visual mediums.

Automated examinations and assessments

AI can help conduct online exams with minimum interference required from the teachers for proctoring purposes with the help of an AI proctoring software solution. AI proctoring software can help conduct exams in a fair manner while also ensuring students’ data privacy. For example, Ulearn’s AI proctored online exam software helps conduct secure and cheat-proof tests. It analyses the students’ facial data, background noises, and body language to determine whether a candidate is cheating or not. It then flags such instances, which can be monitored by a human proctor instantly or at a later time. The AI proctoring software can also be used to assess students’ exam papers autonomously. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Computer Vision can help analyze student performance and lessen the burden of human assessors. It can also help reduce errors encountered in manual assessment.

Using an online examination system with AI capabilities is one of countless ways in which the technology is being used in the field of education. However, it raises concerns about whether it will eliminate the need for human teachers altogether. Rather, it will enable good cooperation, communication, and collaboration among teachers and students. And going by these potential benefits that it has to offer, it seems increasingly likely that online learning is the future of education.

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