4 types of hiring assessments you can conduct online

Hiring assessments

It is no exaggeration to say that online recruitment methods will soon replace the traditional ways of selecting job-seeking candidates. Hiring applicants online is beneficial for organizations due to several reasons, including:

  1. Lesser paperwork
  2. Lower time consumption
  3. A larger pool of candidates
  4. A higher level of customization in assessments
  5. Better screening tools

There are various types of online assessments that employers can use to conduct recruitment through the internet. Here are four pre-employment testing ideas that recruiters can use to enhance the quality of their online recruitment drives:

Pre-recorded interviews

Also known as asynchronous interviews, this talent assessment tool involves a candidate answering pre-recorded questions enlisted by interviewers. An AI-enabled analysis system records the candidate’s responses. The system creates a report after the completion of the ‘interview.’ The report contains a detailed analysis of the interviewee’s answers, their choice of words, vocal tone, and other factors. Recruiters can base their selection decisions on these factors. AI-assisted interviews are efficient for recruiters as they can assess 5-6 applicants in the same amount of time they would normally take to interview a single candidate conventionally.

Real-time simulation tests

Over the digital platform, interviewers can create situations that resemble real-life workplace scenarios. Candidates will be asked to provide their reactions to such scenarios. This technique’s main purpose is to test whether applicants have the requisite technical knowledge, reasoning capabilities, and conflict resolution know-how to be problem solvers during workplace crises. Such hiring assessments are useful to evaluate the practical effectiveness of the shortlisted job applicants. Ultimately, practical intuition is valued higher than theoretical knowledge in organizations.

Online personality evaluation tests

For recruiters, personality evaluations help determine whether applicants are good enough to fit within a company’s culture. More importantly, it helps the employers ascertain whether the candidate will continue to positively impact their organization’s productivity rather than seeking new opportunities elsewhere after a few years. Most recruiters want individuals who can work for a long time in their organization and gradually move up the ranks to help it grow further. Personality evaluation is one of the more effective ways to assess the strengths and weaknesses of candidates. Some of the most common online personality evaluation techniques are:

  1. The Myers-Briggs type indicator
  2. The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) assessment
  3. The DiSC behavioral test
  4. The SHL Occupational Personality examination

Digital readiness assessments

For today’s companies, work proficiency and basic technical knowledge in employees are not enough. Therefore, organizations use various tools to deduce the digital intelligence (also known as Digital Quotient or DQ) of their future personnel. While hiring, recruiters need to know how comfortable the job applicants are in increasingly digitized workplaces. They want their recruits to be at home in organizations that are always digitally evolving.

There are several other online assessment tests for job selections. While recruiting candidates, organizations may want to ensure that the ethical quotient of their online tests is high. With uLearn’s online proctoring tools, recruiters can conduct cheat-proof assessments to get their hands on the best candidates. You can contact us to know more about our services.


To know more about uLearn: https://ulearn.io/

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